Remyelinisation possible for Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain-Injury, ME/CFS and Longcovid

I just became aware of the concept of remyelination and was simply blown away: Even a Lancet study from 2017 shows clear effects in multiple sclerosis, even in patients who...

20 year pain cripple dramatically improved due to neuromodulation

Petros is sending another miraculous case from Cyprus: PTSD for 20 years with daily migraines + FMS + spastic colitis (=irritable bowel syndrome) + multiple anxiety-panic disorders and severe...

John Boels fantastic new Acupuncture

John Boel, the "acupuncturist of the century" has developed several new acupuncture systems that offer previously unseen successes. Here are some testimonials. As long as John Boel still exists: please...

Brainstem Abscess PostCovid – fully cured in 3 weeks taVNS

Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ brain cente Zypern sends following Case I use his whatsapp-language unchanged "This case is the finest of all" It proves without doubt full evidence how brain stem modulation...

Bifidus build up

Here are the instructions on how to successfully start an “intestinal cleanse”. Miracle weapon Bifidus For years we have been learning at EVERY medical conference that the microbiology of the intestine...

Arteriitis Buerger – improvement after one week with Brainstem-Stimulation

Mb Buerger - blood vessel destruction an autoimmune arteritis - also called Endarteritis obliterans, death of the toes (=necrosis) - mostly induced by prolonged smoking before treatment - 3rd toe black after...

Prolotherapy is Hollywood’s Secret to healthy joints

Prolotherapy is a great pain therapy for ligament and joint pain. Regenerate strained ligaments and arthrosis. Actually the real name is Proliferation-Therapy, in the US also known as Prolozone. A...

Parkinson’s Disease – Feldenkrais a game changer – Brain-Stimulation a great Booster

Content of the article: We were not only amazed but even overwhelmed at how well a Parkinson's patient was not only stable but actually significantly improved through a simple...

Angelman Syndrome – Pubmed Research for this Genetic Disease

A mother asked if I had any ideas on how to help her child with Angelman syndrome I have summarized my research here what is Angelman Syndrome Angelman syndrome is a genetic...

Dr Petros Kattou in Austria 7-10 March

Dr. Petros Kattou comes to Austria to train Doctors on March 7-8 in Vienna, he then goes to Graz to treat on 9th March patients in Graz and on...

Parkinson’s disease rapid progressive – Improvement now after 4 months brain-stimulation

no time to write a long article, the two testimonials are clear. The now 60-year-old patient started showing the first signs of Parkinson's disease a few years ago (an immobile...

Parkinson’s and brain degeneration – prostate medication helpful

Terazosin (Vicard®) is an alpha receptor activator that increases blood flow to the prostate. As a side effect, a significant improvement in ATP production (energy) in the brain was...

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