Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS – “Pain Cripple Syndrome”

I call this the pain-cripple syndrome because no matter what you do, the patient only gets worse. A torture for every practitioner, no matter...

12 years paraplegic after stroke – starts walking within 1 week Neuromodulation

After a stroke, the patient had been paralyzed since 2012 and only used a wheelchair. After 1 week with the brainstem stimulator he starts...

Multiple Chemical Sensitiviy MCS is a MCAS and can be treated

Feedback from a patient finally opened up this mystery of “chemical hypersensitivity” for me. Those affected are terribly poor and don't really get help...

chronic stroke paralysis improved with brain stimulation

great improvement in chronic stroke paralysis through brain stimulation. Dr. Petros Kattou was in Austria two weeks ago and looked at the stroke patient Mara...

chronic visual vertigo cured overnight with neuromodulation

Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ Brain Center Cyprus sends another Miracle Treatment Visual vertigo is a syndrome triggered by intense visual stimulation caused by a sensor,...

PTSD with heavy SLEEP-TALKING and neurological Symptoms

Shock, fright, fear, etc. trigger overactivity in the brain stem. This leads to a lot of tw. most severe symptoms which we call Post-Traumatic...

more Testimonials – beautiful Improvements due Brainstimulation: FMS, Vertigo, MS, Brain Atrophy, Pains, Depression, Spastic, Paralyzation,

Petros Kattou entertains us “students” with daily video testimonials from his practice. Here in Austria it is rather difficult to do testimonials because patients...

20 year pain cripple dramatically improved due to neuromodulation

Petros is sending another miraculous case from Cyprus: PTSD for 20 years with daily migraines + FMS + spastic colitis (=irritable bowel syndrome) +...

Brainstem Abscess PostCovid – fully cured in 3 weeks taVNS

Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ brain cente Zypern sends following Case I use his whatsapp-language unchanged "This case is the finest of all" It proves without doubt full...

Arteriitis Buerger – improvement after one week with Brainstem-Stimulation

Mb Buerger - blood vessel destruction an autoimmune arteritis - also called Endarteritis obliterans, death of the toes (=necrosis) - mostly induced by prolonged smoking before...

Parkinson’s Disease – Feldenkrais a game changer – Brain-Stimulation a great Booster

Content of the article: We were not only amazed but even overwhelmed at how well a Parkinson's patient was not only stable but actually...

Parkinson’s disease rapid progressive – Improvement now after 4 months brain-stimulation

no time to write a long article, the two testimonials are clear. The now 60-year-old patient started showing the first signs of Parkinson's disease a...

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Dr. Helmut B. Retzek

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