HomePetros Kattou EN20 year pain cripple dramatically improved due to neuromodulation

20 year pain cripple dramatically improved due to neuromodulation


Petros is sending another miraculous case from Cyprus: PTSD for 20 years with daily migraines + FMS + spastic colitis (=irritable bowel syndrome) + multiple anxiety-panic disorders and severe insomnia dramatically improved in just a few weeks.


Petros case history summarized

A woman with post-traumatic stress disorder aged 28 during haemorrhage during child birth. She almost lost her life and her baby

She has been suffering ever since

  • severe migraine attacks every day, never a day without pain, 365 days a year,
  • chronic joint pain,
  • severe spastic colitis with alternating diarrhea, constipation and severe flatulence and abdominal cramps. The pain turns into burning and the symptoms are worsened by allodynia (pain by least cause e.g. touch of cloths)
  • She suffered from a severe sleep disorder insomnia and had a maximum of 2-3 hours of continuous sleep per day. All kinds of hypnotic sleeping pills ineffective.
  • She also suffered from severe stress anxiety disorders and panic attacks and therefore was unable to go out, significant agoraphobia, anxiety and negative obsessive thoughts and fear of dying


Over the years she consulted

several gastroenterologists: colonoscopies, gastroscopy without findings and no matter what medication – no difference.

several neurologists, neural surgeons and also rheumatologists diagnose it
with the diagnosis fibromyalgia

The psychiatrist prescribed medication for anxiety and negative obsessive thoughts and her fear of dying, but unfortunately they were all ineffective.


opened 2 months ago in our SOZO center in Nicosia

Actually, she came to me without any expectations – just to try it out – and in the video she describes a significant improvement that has now “given her her life back” after many, many years:

70% improvement on all scales: BECK depression, fibromyalgia scale, sleep index, massively better cognitive-mentally

The Cypriots control everything using scores – also with the intention of extracting relevant studies from the cases afterwards. Petros has several neurologists and neurological nurses for this. In our practice we don’t have that many staff and we don’t have to, just the confirmation from the patients is enough for us.



first intensive taVNS and then tDCS at different positions according to the Kattou protocol.




In March 8 new doctors will be trained in this method, finally including a neurologist!!! This means we already have 24 doctors in Europe who offer such therapies. If you are interested, you can find more information here

https://brain-stimulation.info/  and  https:/ /sozobraincenter.com/


