Absolutely unbelievable: A miraculous recovery after a serious neck injury
This man could no longer walk freely after suffering a severe "high-speed trauma" to his...
Stroke right Cerebri media November 2023 with hemiplegia left side and strong neglect left side. Drew a clock unrecognizable.
Today is Thursday the 25th Apri,...
great improvement in chronic stroke paralysis through brain stimulation.
Dr. Petros Kattou was in Austria two weeks ago and looked at the stroke patient Mara...
Petros Kattou entertains us “students” with daily video testimonials from his practice. Here in Austria it is rather difficult to do testimonials because patients...
Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ brain cente Zypern sends following Case
I use his whatsapp-language unchanged
"This case is the finest of all"
It proves without doubt full...
Mb Buerger - blood vessel destruction
an autoimmune arteritis - also called Endarteritis obliterans, death of the toes (=necrosis) - mostly induced by prolonged smoking
Video testimonial from a lovely patient who has been suffering from Parkinson's since 2017 and is slowly improving her mobility thanks to tDCS brain...
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a genetic disorder that affects vision. It is caused by mutations in mitochondrial genes and is typically associated...
two video testimonials from Petros from Cyprus with severe Fatigue Patientes who improved significantly in a short time.
Case 1 - Fatigue + Brain Fog...