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chronic stroke paralysis improved with brain stimulation


great improvement in chronic stroke paralysis through brain stimulation.

Dr. Petros Kattou was in Austria two weeks ago and looked at the stroke patient Mara in my office.

Mara had a stroke in August 23 – 7.5 months ago – which paralyzed her left arm, hand and leg.

When she came to us she couldn’t get up, walk or stand without help, her left hand/arm was completely useless.


Findings after 2 weeks of brainstem stimulation

The paralyzed hand works fully, the arm is much better, she can get up and walk on her own


Original findings


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New Doctors:

Dr. Christoph Neumüller Neurology
Dr. Isabella Hofmann Neurology
Dr. Paula Zikowsky Dentistry
Dr. Andrea Zikowsky Dentistry


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2 weeks ago, on March 6, 24

Here is Mara’s gait when she was first photographed 2 weeks ago. She could only walk/stand with support. During the neurological tests she fell over without support, her left hand was unusable and her arm could hardly be lifted.




15 minutes after the start of tDCS brain stimulation

That’s about 15 minutes after the start of the first brain stimulation, Mara can walk unsupported for the first time in 7 months!


We now get mirror therapy in our office

We only tried out our new mirror therapy hand with her as a test, unfortunately we only had the right hand in Austria, so Petros showed her this therapy hand for paretic patients and announced that it would be included With the help of this mirror therapy she will soon see an improvement in her paralyzed hand.




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