Altern Complement Med. 2017 Aug 14. doi: 10.1089/acm.2017.0061. [Epub ahead of print]
Case Study of Homeopathic Bowel Nosode Remedies for Dysbiotic Japanese Patients.
Author information:
- 1
- Yoko Clinic , Kitakyushu, Japan .
The composition of intestinal microbiota is very important in human health. Gastrointestinal disturbances are among the symptoms commonly reported by individuals diagnosed with chronic diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, autism, and chronic fatigue syndrome. The effects of probiotics and prebiotics for dysbiosis have been reported in many studies. Bowel nosodes are homeopathic remedies made from human gut microbiota.
Bowel nosodes made from the intestinal bacteria of European patients from the 1900s were administered to Japanese patients suffering from gastrointestinal disturbances, such as constipation and diarrhea, to determine their therapeutic efficacy.
Twenty-eight outpatients from Yoko Clinic (11 males, 17 females; age range, 4-72 years) were enrolled in this study. One nosode remedy was selected for each case. Patients took six pills for 2 days. After a month, the effect of each treatment was evaluated using the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Outcome Scale (grade +4 to -4).
Patient number of each grade was +4 (N = 2), +3 (N = 4), +2 (N = 7), +1 (N = 3), 0 (N = 7), with no negative grades. Of the 23 patients analyzed, 69.6% showed some type of improvement, and no harmful effects from taking bowel nosodes were observed; 26% of patients showed major improvement or were “cured.”
It is difficult to find correct constitutional remedies as they often require high-level techniques and time. Since there are only 11 main bowel nosode remedies, they are easier to choose from and cheaper to use and develop than classical constitutional remedies. Herein, 69.6% of dysbiotic patients taking bowel nosodes showed improvements, and no harmful effects were reported by any patient. These results suggest that the homeopathic bowel nosodes are a useful method for controlling gastrointestinal disturbances.
PMID: 28805460
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