nested toggles in wordpress


most themes just offer one set of toggles.

I created my own heli_functions.php that I keep as plugin and use over all my websites


Here the Part for nested toggles

maybe you have to edit the $ss = ….. line according to your themes prerequesite, just look in the source-file of one page having a toggle how your theme formats toggles.


// for nested toggles as shortcodes within the text

function toggle_function( $atts , $content=null) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
‘title’ => ”
), $atts ) );

if (!empty($title)) {$ss=’title=”‘ . $title . ‘” ‘;}
$ss = ‘<h6 class=”toggle”><a href=”#”>’ . $title . ‘</a></h6><div class=”toggle_content” style=”display: none;”><div class=”block”>’;
$ss = $ss . do_shortcode($content). ‘</div></div>’;
// return
return $ss;

add_shortcode( ‘toggle1’, ‘toggle_function’ );
add_shortcode( ‘toggle2’, ‘toggle_function’ );
add_shortcode( ‘toggle3’, ‘toggle_function’ );


same with nested divs


// for nested DIVS as shortcodes within the text

function div_function( $atts , $content=null) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
‘style’ => ”,
‘class’ => ”,
), $atts ) );

if (!empty($class)) {$ss=’class=”‘ . $class . ‘” ‘;}
if (!empty($style)) {$ss.=’style=”‘ . $style . ‘” ‘;}
$ss = ‘<div ‘ . $ss. ‘>’ . do_shortcode($content). ‘</div>’;
// return
return $ss;

add_shortcode( ‘div1’, ‘div_function’ );
add_shortcode( ‘div2’, ‘div_function’ );
add_shortcode( ‘div3’, ‘div_function’ );



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