→   Warteliste für Hirnstimulation
         Parkinson, MS, Schmerz, Schlaganfall, Spastik, ALS
→   Probleme mit PLATO oder NEWRONIKA
→   Fallsammlung Neuromodulation - Video-Cases

KATEGORIE: Programming

Word2Wiki Reformat VBA

here I found some old VBA Code for Winword that transfers Word-Files into Mediawiki / Wikipedia / Wiki - encoded files. Maybe it is of some help for someone,...

usefull VBA & SQL Functions for MS ACCESS

tricks & functions that helped me a lot doing my praxisprogram. I also got a lot of help from the internet, so I can pay back   Scenario: User wants to...

Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /var/home/ganzemedizin_at/www/wp-content/plugins/td-cloud-library/includes/tdb_module.php on line 350

nested toggles in wordpress

most themes just offer one set of toggles.I created my own heli_functions.php that I keep as plugin and use over all my websites Here the Part for nested togglesmaybe you...

Word2Wiki Reformat VBA

here I found some old VBA Code for Winword that transfers Word-Files into Mediawiki / Wikipedia / Wiki - encoded files. Maybe it is...

usefull VBA & SQL Functions for MS ACCESS

tricks & functions that helped me a lot doing my praxisprogram. I also got a lot of help from the internet, so I can...

Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /var/home/ganzemedizin_at/www/wp-content/plugins/td-cloud-library/includes/tdb_module.php on line 350

nested toggles in wordpress

most themes just offer one set of toggles.I created my own heli_functions.php that I keep as plugin and use over all my websites Here the...

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Dr. Helmut B. Retzek

dies ist mein Gesundheits-Blog auf dem ich meine Recherchen im Rahmen meiner Weiterbildung dokumentiere.

Weitere interessante Infos bekommen sie auf meinem Youtube-Vlog, v.a.  Testimonials von Patienten.

Auf meiner englisch-sprachigen Website www.retzek.info hab ich ausgewählte Artikel übersetzt

Wenn sie Infos zur Ordination wünschen öffnen sie bitte meine Seite: www.retzek.at

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