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Angelika Matzka


ÖGOM-Österr. Gesellschaft für orthomolekulare Medizin

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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, August 30, 2012

Books by Nutritional Medicine Pioneers Now Available for Free Download

(OMNS Aug 30, 2012) On Friday, January 7, 2005, a physician and pioneer in orthomolecular medicine penned what would later be discovered to be his final thoughts: “What we learn from these superb observers and orthomolecular doers can literally change our lives for the better.” The doctor was Hugh D. Riordan, M.D..In honor of Dr Riordan, his maverick spirit, and his contribution to orthomolecular medicine over the years that continues today through his clinic, a number of books written by or about pioneers in orthomolecular medicine are now available for open access and free download as described below:


The Wonderful World Within You: Your Inner Nutritional Environment

by Roger J. Williams, Ph.D. (1998)

Understanding your individual differences can be the key to a healthier, more vigorous life. This 21st century edition neatly summarizes Dr Roger J. Williams’ lifetime of wisdom about many topics: nutrition, wholesome foods, nutritional supplements, our individual differences, preventing alcoholism, and finding a healthy and satisfying life.


The Vitamin C Controversy: Questions and Answers

by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D. (1988)

Professor of Medicine Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin became interested in lifestyle as a solution to many serious medical problems. This led to studies in nutrition eventuating in this publication, The Vitamin C Controversy: Questions and Answers, is intended to respond to the fifty most commonly asked questions dealing with vitamin C research studies.


Health and Happiness

by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D. (1989)

It almost seems as if there is no rhyme or reason to health and happiness. But there is… and it’s lifestyle. Those who seem to be well are characterized largely by positive social habits (pluses). The unhealthy and unhappy are more often than not laden with poor lifestyles (minuses). Within these pages you will find the simple techniques for measuring your own way of life.


The Schizophrenias: Ours to Conquer

by Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D., Richard Mailloux, B.S. and Linda Forsythe, B.A.

“This impressive volume contains the observations and theories about the schizophrenias gathered by Carl Pfeiffer and colleagues over more than twenty years. I have heard Dr. Pfeiffer lecture dozens of times and have always enjoyed listening to his clear exposition of his work. More important, I always learn something. Unfortunately, too few psychiatrists have been wise enough to attend his lectures. They can remedy this deficiency by studying this book. ” – Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.



For further reading:


Pyramid on the Prairie

by Craig Miner (2011)

This is the story of the first quarter century of Dr. Riordan’s Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning (now the Riordan Clinic), which pioneered an alternative approach to medicine despite fierce criticism from within the medical profession and staunch resistance from the insurance industry.


The Riordan Clinic is a non-profit organization whose mission is to stimulate an epidemic of health worldwide. For more information about the Riordan Clinic, visit . To review the listing of free publications online, visit .




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