Shortcode “Last modified Posts”:
fully configurable, use as
[*last-modified-posts number=20 …. … …]options to use (here you see the default values)
number |
10 |
query |
“” |
order |
“DESC” |
orderby |
“modified” |
lmstart |
“<div >” |
lmend |
“</div>” |
title |
“” |
textbeforelist |
“” |
textbeforeitem |
“” |
liststart |
“<ul>” |
listend |
“</ul>” |
itemstart |
“<li>” |
itemend |
“</li>” |
showdate |
“true” |
spandate |
“<span >” |
dateformat |
“j. M Y H:i” |
textbeforedate |
” | “ |
textafterdate |
“” |
Explanation of Options
query = “”
use whatever query you want, e.g. query=”cat=2,6,17,28″ to show all posts with category 28. For further query-information please visit: WP-Codex Queries
If in addition the the option “orderby” is set to “none” you get an shortcode that does not show modified post-list but what-ever list you want to show. As the shortcode has its own wp_query build in it works in all places / templates, also in TEXT-WIDGEDS, beside is my frontpage footer widget shown using this shortcode
number = 10
number of posts shown in this list
order = “DESC”
orderby = “modified”
see WP-Codex: Orderby to use plugin more generic, not just as “modified-pages” shotcode
lmstart = “<div class=lastmod>”
lmend = “</div>”
used as first html-tag around the shortcode.
title = “”
use html-style text, e.g. title=”<h3>Last modifed posts</h3>”
textbeforelist = “”
use html-style text that is shown under the title before the list
liststart = “<ul>”
listend = “</ul>”
use this html-tags to set the ul-list-style, e.g. liststart=”<ul class=iconarrow>”
itemstart = “<li>”
itemend = “</li>”
use this hatml-tags to set the list-style
textbeforeitem = “”
this option is missleading, the list is formated like <li> textbeforeitem <a href=”xxxxx”> some post title </a> </li>, so this option sets some text or html-code right befor the post-title.
showdate = “true”
show the date of the post
spandate = “<span id=lastmod>”
the date of the post is html-tagged via <span> Postdate </span>. If you re-define this option and clear it by spandate=”” no span-tagging is performed for date
dateformat = “j. M Y H:i”
use the wordpress dateformat as shown in Codex
textbeforedate = ” | “
textafterdate = “”
these texts are used for calling the get_modified_date() function in WordPress, see Codex
here the query-line
$q=’posts_per_page=’ . $number . ‘&orderby=’. $orderby . ‘&order=’ . $order;
if ($query<>””)
$q= $query . “&” . $q;
// The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query( $q );
the only weekness I see is that I use “get_modified_date()”, this should be more generic as option so that you also can get result of the_time(). If anyone has demand on that pleas feel free to request.
suggestions & improvements are welcomed, Aug/2011 Heli Retzek
[download_box]download the plugin: last-modified-posts-shortcode[/download_box] [divider]
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