Sitio en español del Dr. Retzek | solo una fracción de mis más de 3000 páginas están traducidas
StartAdministrationexploit inserted into Dejavu

exploit inserted into Dejavu


</body><script type=”text/javascript”>
  </script><script type=”text/javascript”>



yesterday my homepage got hacked. Somehow a script got inserted into dejavu. in the output of the website I got

1) right before <head>
2) right after </body> at the bottom of the website

following code: each time twice (so in total 4 x)

which puts a link on the website that points to
Kaspersky does not let my website be shown.

Searching the source of the website for several keywords within the script I didnt find the right code.
Turning off all Plugins didnt help

I re-installed DEJAVU new and got rid of this code.

Maybe you could help me trace the position how and where this script was inserted into my homepage and how to prevent that in future

‘<script type=”text/javascript”>




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