HomePetros Kattou ENDystonia - Brain-Stimulation as Therapy might help

Dystonia – Brain-Stimulation as Therapy might help


Petros keeps sending testimonials from Cyprus with interesting case stories. DYSTONIA is an unpleasant state of “restlessness” throughout the body, comparable to Parkinson’s, a permanent sugaring and jerking which makes working and often sleeping impossible.

Sometimes also linked to anxiety/panic states, it always somehow falls into the domain of psychiatry, which has no curative success with its options.

The cause – this is what our therapy successes say – is an inflammation of the brainstem, which, based on the subsequent patient cases, is probably a bacterial infection.


Dystonia in an Austrian Patient

In Vienna in September, we had a dystonia patient at Petros treatment session, who “jumped” up to 30cm in bed at night because his body “jerked” so hard every 30 seconds. A condition where you need mega amounts of medication to be able to sleep at all, but of course you cannot work. Uses up to 70mg Diazepam to be able to sleep.

Patient was treated by us with Brain-Stem Stimulation, which did not help at all. In a second round we did tDCS and got the Message that he is well now and the Dystonia cleared.




Severe dystonia after ENT surgery

Then I wrote an article about the 23-year-old man from Athens who woke up from the operation with dystonia after a nasal septum correction and was symptom-free after 2 weeks neurostimulation and started working as a truck driver in Holland after 3 weeks.

The patient had locked himself in the room for two years, couldn’t sleep all night, had gone through all the disciplines and specialists without any improvement. He was symptom-free after 2 weeks

Dystonie, Tics, Spasmen, Panikzustände seit Jahren – nach 1 Wo SOZΩ merkbar gebessert


Now Petros has sent a new case of dystonia

The patient developed dystonia after dental treatment. An academic/technician in the IT department, unable to work, has been everywhere and is receiving the most severe psychiatric medication to no avail.


Here you can see the constant restlessness


and here a week later after the treatment rest and normalization of the neurological situation




Dystonia as infection/inflammation of the brainstem

So here in this article we have 2 patients as testimonials who developed brainstem symptoms after a surgical procedure in the ENT area. In the case of the Viennese patient, I forgot the original trigger.

One must not forget that the blood flow situation in the head is determined by the fact that the VEINS have no valves and in the appropriate situation (lying down, possibly with the head leaned back) the blood flow is like this can reverse the fact that the blood from the mouth/jaw area flows back into the venous plexus on the brainstem and may carry bacteria and inflammatory factors into the brain.

(c) Thieme Verlag, textbook modified by HeliR


Dental lesions as the most important triggers of neurological diseases

That’s why in my Alzheimer’s research article I found the dental status to be the most important predilection factor for the development of Alzheimer’s AND ALSO depression, because from the many disgusting root canals that are ALWAYS infected, bacteria are constantly being released into the body via the lymph and blood .

I have not translated the following articles to english, but the link leads to google translation:

Dental Status contributes to Depression and Alzheimers

Dental tooth leasons are cause of many disease


In any case, this article here is extremely important as this patients are pretty lost, please share it: with KAT therapy (SOZO therapy) you maybe get help for these poor patients



Doctors can learn this therapy, they can find out how/where on following link. It would of course be a great advantage if the relevant specialists (neurologists, psychiatrists) completed this training. Anyone interested can also contact me – I’m doing it all free of charge out of enthusiasm about these possibilities.


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