HomeresearchDoctors trained by Petros Kattou in Neurostimulation Therapy

Doctors trained by Petros Kattou in Neurostimulation Therapy




Dr. Helmut Retzek, Vöcklabruck – holistic doctor Vöcklabruck Upper Austria 07672-23700



Dr. Walter Surböck, Maria Zell – Holistic medicine specialist Mariazell StM +43 660 3830 101

Dr. Heike Mitterhammer, internist in Graz, office: 0676 32 08 193
HBO/diving doctor with her own large pressure chamber: 0664 22 19 250
Gradlbauerweg 14, A 8054 Graz

Dr. Anita Achtschin, Graz Schubertstraße 24/6, 0660-5767606



PD Dr. Philipp Heuberer, Vienna – Oberlaa, stem cell therapist, orthopedics, Orthocare Center 01 3610361

Dr. Novicky Askold, Vienna – Center Hamerlingpark 1070



Dr. Carmen Putz, Ilmitz – Family doctor in Ilmitz, Burgenland



Dr. Vera Skarja, Bleib Berg, Carinthia – doctor at the Bleib Berg center


Lower Austria

Dr. Komorzynski Wolfgang, Berndorf


Veterinarian doing Brain-Stim on Horses / Austria

Dr. Xaver Sterrer, Sooss



No doctor at the moment – ​​a few colleagues have been announced for training and can then work with it straight away



detto – from December



detto – from December



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