StartForschungoptimale Anti-Hormon-Therapie bei Brustkrebs | F

optimale Anti-Hormon-Therapie bei Brustkrebs | F


Neue Meta-Studie (Review) vom Herbst 2017 zeigt uns die optimalen Präparate bei Brustkrebs: 

Bei ER+ Her2- Postmenpausalem inoperablem (fortgeschrittenem) Brustkrebs ist die Hormon-Mono-Therapie derzeit Mittel der Wahl. Welches präparat ist derzeit noch nicht klar. 

Mein geschätztes Letrozol ist hier das beste Präparat.


Efficacy and safety of endocrine monotherapy as first-line treatment for hormone-sensitive advanced breast cancer: A network meta-analysis


We identified 27 articles of 8 randomized controlled trials including 3492 patients in the network meta-analysis. For ORR, the treatments ranked in descending order of effectiveness were letrozole > exemestane > anastrozole > fulvestrant 500 mg > tamoxifen > fulvestrant 250 mg. For TTP/PFS, the order was fulvestrant 500 mg > letrozole > anastrozole > exemestane > tamoxifen > fulvestrant 250 mg. We directly compared adverse events and found that tamoxifen produced more hot flash events than fulvestrant 250 mg.


Fulvestrant 500 mg and letrozole might be optimal first-line endocrine monotherapy choices for HR+ HER2- ABC because of efficacious ORR and TTP/PFS, with a favorable tolerability profile. However, direct comparisons among endocrine monotherapies in the first-line therapy setting are still required to robustly demonstrate any differences among these endocrine agents. Clinical choices should also depend on the specific disease situation and duration of endocrine therapy.


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