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Long Covid

ACE2 Autoantibodies after Covid Infection – Alpha-Gal Meat-Allergy Solution

In this article I show pubmed research for treatments against autoimmune disease, because my mom has high Anti-ACE2-Autoantibodies from Covid and is rather strongly...

Triple Anticoagulant Therapy for Long-Covid – Brain Fog

Today the colleague was there again who had to take early retirement because of Longcovid and was completely cognitively and physically switched off and...

Remyelinisation possible for Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain-Injury, ME/CFS and Longcovid

I just became aware of the concept of remyelination and was simply blown away: Even a Lancet study from 2017 shows clear effects in multiple...

Brainstem Abscess PostCovid – fully cured in 3 weeks taVNS

Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ brain cente Zypern sends following Case I use his whatsapp-language unchanged "This case is the finest of all" It proves without doubt full...

Long Covid and ME/CFS Update 2024

A colleague sends an inquiry about a LongCovid patient who is now immobilized due to  progressiv weakness. She shows us lab values with significantly...

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