ASA Plugin aufgegeben –> ersetzt durch das direkte Amazon Affiliated Plugin
eigenen Shortcode geschrieben, der abkürzt:
// Ersatz für ASA durch
function asa_function( $atts , $content=null) {
$ss= "[*amazon_link asins='$content' template='heli1' store='umfassengesun-21' marketplace='DE' link_id='730c2f06-e529-4df5-a018-b09e896ec42c']";
return do_shortcode($ss);
Template Heli2 Output für orginal Affiliated Link
[* amazon_link asins=’3864102006′ template=’heli2′ store=’umfassengesun-21′ marketplace=’DE’ link_id=’95bdb843-6630-4908-adc6-acf633e67a4b’]Template Heli2 Output für orginal Affiliated Link
[amazon_link asins=’3864102006′ template=’heli2′ store=’umfassengesun-21′ marketplace=’DE’ link_id=’95bdb843-6630-4908-adc6-acf633e67a4b’]
die Template für Amazon Affiliated Link
{{#Items}} <!–Section tag for iterating through the list of items–>
<!– Single product Ad Template Layout. Position of the Ad can be configured by specifying pull-left or pull-right class below–>
<div class=”heli-amazon” id=”{{ID}}”>
<div class=”amazon-product-container”>
{{#Item}} <!– Section tag for beginning of information on one item –>
{{#aalb}} <!– Section tag for picking up information on attributes for the item –>
<table class=”heli-amazon-tbl”><tr>
<td >
<div class=”amazon-product-image”>
<a class=”amazon-product-image-link” href=”{{DetailPageURL}}” title=”{{Title}}” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>
<!–Individual attributes are provided as variable tags as {{[[attribute]]}}. Check documentation for list of supported variable tags.–>
<img class=”amazon-product-image-source” src=”{{MediumImageURL}}” srcset=”{{LargeImageURL}}” alt=”{{Title}}” />
<div class=”amazon-product-details”>
<div class=”amazon-product-title”>
<a href=”{{DetailPageURL}}” title=”{{Title}}” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>
<div class=”amazon-product-offer-price”>
<!– The section tag for different marketplaces ensures localization of static text. –>
{{PriceLabel}}: <span class=”product-offer-price-value”>{{CurrentPrice}}</span>
{{#Prime}} <!– The section tag ensures that prime icon is displayed only if it is available –>
<div class=”amazon-prime-icon”>
<i class=”icon-prime-all”></i>
CSS für Heli2 Template
.amazon-product-image-source {
max-height: 200px;
max-width: 200px;
vertical-align: bottom;
height: auto;
.heli-amazon {
border: 20px solid lavender;
margin: 20px 0px;
padding: 20px 40x;
table.heli-amazon-tbl {border:none;margin:0;padding:0;box-shadow:none;}
Helis eigener Shortcode –> Ansicht
- Gugenberger-Wachtler, Silke(Autor)
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