Interview with Dr Retzek in 2014 regarding tumor aftercare

BOOK "The Second Chance" by Dr Thomas Hartl was then brought onto the market under the title "Live!" I was interviewed about it and...

Organic lemon smoothie dramatically inhibits prostate cancer!!!

Extremely exciting study shows: almost complete inhibition of prostate cancer by citrus flavenoids! Latest study confirms my father's "practical discovery."   here my lemon recipe "Dr. Retzek's...

Alcaline Powder and Cancer

The topic of base powder has been bothering me for many years now! I actually researched this article in 2013 and just published it...

Prostate Cancer and Tissue Acidity

a new study confirms my previous acidosis reports: Mice are bred in a way that they automatically get cancer TRAMP mice are an experimental model for...

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Dr. Helmut B. Retzek

dies ist mein Gesundheits-Blog auf dem ich meine Recherchen im Rahmen meiner Weiterbildung dokumentiere.

Weitere interessante Infos bekommen sie auf meinem Youtube-Vlog, v.a.  Testimonials von Patienten.

Auf meiner englisch-sprachigen Website www.retzek.info hab ich ausgewählte Artikel übersetzt

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