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HomeDr. Helmut Retzek

KATEGORIE: Dr. Helmut Retzek

Training in Neuromodulation and Parasite-Treatment in St. Louis Aug-24

"Have a nice, relaxing holiday" - that's what all the patients tell us the week before - not realising that we'll be spending a total of 3 days at...

special trainings by Heli Retzek with – Dr Simon Yu – DO Petros Kattou

  Trainings with Dr. Petros Kattau in neuromodulation Lenna was there for all trainings except (*) so far: 9 x training with 13.5 days with a total of 158 patients live Cyprus...

advanced Trainings and continuing education of Dr. Retzek

Training, advanced training and continuing education - including my own lectures - in chronological order. Most of the recent years my wife Lenna has also participated in all my...

Training in Neuromodulation and Parasite-Treatment in St. Louis Aug-24

"Have a nice, relaxing holiday" - that's what all the patients tell us the week before - not realising that we'll be spending a...

special trainings by Heli Retzek with – Dr Simon Yu – DO Petros Kattou

  Trainings with Dr. Petros Kattau in neuromodulation Lenna was there for all trainings except (*) so far: 9 x training with 13.5 days with a total...

advanced Trainings and continuing education of Dr. Retzek

Training, advanced training and continuing education - including my own lectures - in chronological order. Most of the recent years my wife Lenna has...

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Dr. Helmut B. Retzek

dies ist mein Gesundheits-Blog auf dem ich meine Recherchen im Rahmen meiner Weiterbildung dokumentiere.

Weitere interessante Infos bekommen sie auf meinem Youtube-Vlog, v.a.  Testimonials von Patienten.

Auf meiner englisch-sprachigen Website www.retzek.info hab ich ausgewählte Artikel übersetzt

Wenn sie Infos zur Ordination wünschen öffnen sie bitte meine Seite: www.retzek.at

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