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zB Bottle-Top-Filter für Duran-Laborflaschen

oder Spritzen-Vorsatz-Filter für Sterilfiltration kleiner Mengen

      Info: Sterilfiltration – zB guter Folder von Corning, Folder von aus Thermo-fisher


Membran-Filter Eigenschaften: 

Polyethersulfon (PES-Membran): Wasser, Ethanol – NON DMSO – super für Zellkultur-Medien, hoher Fluss, gibts bis 0.1µm –> Mycoplasmen-filter

Protein-Filtration – geringe Adsorbtion: Cellulose-Azetat CA, Polyether-Sulfon PES, Nylon

DMSO resistent: Nylon und Regenerated Cellulose (RC) und Teflon= PTFE

SFCA: Surfactant-Free Cellulose Acetate = CA



aus Thermo-fiSher katalog

PES (polyethersulfone with 0.1 µm, 0.2 µm and 0.45 µm pore sizes). PES is the first choice for sterile filtration of cell culture media and serum. It is fast flowing, has low protein binding and low extractables.

SFCA (Surfactant-Free Cellulose Acetate with 0.2 µm and 0.45 µm pore sizes). SFCA is also a good media and serum filter. It is much cleaner (lower extractables) than CA membranes because it requires no wetting agent, but has slightly higher extractables and binding than does PES. Only Nalgene has SCFA in filter units and bottle top filters

CN (Cellulose Nitrate with 0.2 µm, 0.45 µm and 0.8 µm pore sizes). CN is the standard membrane for general filtration of buffers and solutions. Nalgene CN is Triton®-free. It is fast flowing but has high protein binding and higher extractables than PES, SFCA or Nylon.

NYLON (with 0.2 µm and 0.45 µm pore sizes). Nylon is a tough membrane and has very low extractables; it is naturally hydrophilic. Is has excellent alcohol resistance.

If you want to use only one membrane, start with PES. It is the membrane most likely to meet most or all of our needs.




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