Homeresearchvery advanced spastic MS in a wheelchair - great improvement

very advanced spastic MS in a wheelchair – great improvement


Patient was in Switzerland at the Petros training in Rheinfelden. She had fairly advanced multiple sclerosis with paraplegia (spastic paralysis of the legs) and numbness in the legs, and had been in a wheelchair for a long time.

In the MRI we found considerable sclerosis (scarring) of the thoracic spinal cord and huge scarring areas in the brain periventricularly and in the cerebellum, as well as significant brain atrophy in the motor center – in the video you see the MRI.

After she had actually responded quite well to the brain stimulation in the course, Petros said that she might be able to walk again with help in 3 months – which left us completely perplexed, inconceivable that one could improve so much with such an advanced degenerative disease?!

then came the following video – about 2 months later


Petros’s response to this video


you only understand the extent of this improvement when you have seen, experienced and touched the patient beforehand:

the legs were so spastic that they were like a piece of wood, could not be bent at the hip or knee, like a single continuous piece of wood.


Here are some sequences from her first examination in Rheinfelden

you can see her in a wheelchair and the complete spastic stiffness of her legs – then the MRI of the brain with severe atrophy in the motor center – then the state after about 10 minutes of brain stimulation tDCS where the legs are already becoming mobile and the sequence where Petros tells her that she will probably be able to walk again


Absolutely moving – Connie, our neuromodulation nurse who was on the course, also had tears in her eyes!

Bravo Petros!!!

That is the power of neuromodulation!!

In Switzerland, the doctor Michael Kübler in Rheinfelden and the NaturHP Raffael Spörri in Rüti near Zurich learned this neuromodulation.

Unfortunately, the next course in Vienna in December is fully booked, Petros will not be able to come for a while now because the USA and Australia are now up for training – but – I am also flying to Miami and Sydney next year – to repeat the courses there, you can combine them with a few days’ vacation. So if you want to learn it – as a colleague – you can do it.




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