HomePetros Kattou ENNeurostimulation - Petros Okt 2024 - Colitis, Blepharospasm, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Migraine, Vertigo,...

Neurostimulation – Petros Okt 2024 – Colitis, Blepharospasm, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Migraine, Vertigo, CRPS Calcaneus


Petros sends us 1-3 cases from his huge clinic every day to our “internal training group”.

Here I show some new cases with interesting illnesses that he has elegantly improved through neuromodulation until the symptoms disappeared.


Severe Spinal Cord compression by Disk herniation

Full recover severe lumbar disc herniation

  • constant pain radiculopathy ,
  • severe dermatome numbness and
  • myotome weakness.

Patient could not work as a driver and thus consulted two neural spine surgeons whose advice spine surgery after failure of conservative treatments.

We utilise NIVS non invasive spinal cord stimulation and brain stem, patient full recover, fully working, full symptom free.

in the MRT of the Spine you see serious bulging and herniation of the of the diskus intervertebralis crushing the Spinal cord leading to excrutiating pain over many months.

Her is the video of the poor guy after 3 months neuromodulation:

Video is Greek + English


severe ulcerative spastic colitis for 10 years

A 42 year old lady, school assistant escort suffering with severe ulcerative Spastic Colitis !

She consulted multiple gastroenterologists, various regimes of pharmacological treatments, and thus suffering severe constipation and was prescribed all these medication 💊

  • bisacodyl (Correctol, Ducodyl, Dulcolax)
  • sennocides (Senexon, Senokot).

No success, she was suffering severe bloating, spasms, intense abdominal cramping daily basis .

She was taking daily Suppositories which are over-the-counter for constipation medications meant to be inserted directly into the rectum no effect.

She consulted dieticians, clinical dieticians, naturopaths , special cleansing colonics and natural laxatives no difference.

Her life was miserable, almost could not eating nothing.

This affected her psychology, caused anxiety, agoraphobia with Restraurants and severe sleeping disorders.

Here Video after Neuromodulation at SOZO BRAIN CENTER !

Pain free, symptoms free abscess whatever she wants


daily migraines, disturbed sleep / mood / concentration

Famous Sports ⚽ 🏉 🏀 editor ✍/ reporter suffering years with daily migraines, sleep 😴 disturbances, mood and concentration. He consulted our team at SOZO BRAIN 🧠 CENTER, utilising target specific montages tDCS. His migraines 95% gone pain free 🆓, improve sleep quality , better working memory as a sports ⚽ editor ✍, improve concentration and quality of life. For an active high cognitive processing brain 🧠 he fully recommences non invasive Neuromodulation treatment resistant to medications 💊. Call ☎ our team at SOZO tel : 70075020.


bad bad Trigeminal Neuralgia

A lady suffering with chronic debilitating severe TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA V2 and V3 , maxillary and Mandibular branches of 5th cranial nerve.

The pain is constant, and thus non responding to any medications 💊 by her neurologist:

Thus she has tried other modalities of treatments which have 😞 failed .

The pain from the CNV on the brainstem has spread to cranial nerve CN CII facial nerve affecting not only the teeth and gums but also the tongue 👅.

The trigeminal nerve has branches extending to various face parts, including the tongue. When it becomes irritated or compressed, it can lead to sharp, shooting tongue pain.

Such severe pain can cause discomfort and difficulty speaking or swallowing. She can not drink anything hot or cold 🥶 pain 🔥, wind 💨 blowing on her face hyperalgesia.

This has affected her cognitive frontal lobe Left DLPFC, ACC, insula, and Thalamic and synthetic tracts leading to anxiety, depression and insomnia.

At SOZO brain 🧠 with our MDT Multidisciplinary Disciplinary Team of Neural brain surgeons, neurologists, neurophysiologist we provide a protocol: taVNS utilising brain stem stimulation via NTS tracts (Nucleus tractus solitaris) and also tDCS  (direct current stimulation) – highly effective .

Patient is symptom free 🆓.

Contact our team or leading SOZO Neuromodulation Centers across the world 🌎 www.sozobraincenter.com or telephone ☎ 00357 70075020. @highlight Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Group Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Group for Women Trigeminal Neuralgia Sufferers and Supporters Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) UK #sozobraincenter #SOZO #pain #chronicpain #depression #neuromodulation




Blepharospasm – some cruel agonizing dystonia of the Eye

Blepharospasm is an involuntary, repetitive eye blinking or eyelid twitching caused by abnormal brain activity in the basal ganglia, a region controlling movement. This dysfunction leads to excessive muscle contraction in the eyelids. Often linked to neurological issues, it may worsen with stress or fatigue but isn’t fully understood.




Calcaneus-Bruise: Mb-Sudeck –  crippling Pain CRPS after Bone Bruise

A woman with a work injury to the heel bone. The orthopedic surgeon puts her in a cast for 20 days with no fracture found. Then the orthopedic surgeon puts her in a boot 🥾, immobilizes her and sends her to physical therapy. The patient was in constant pain and needed two canes 🚶‍♀ to walk. After an MRI, she is diagnosed with severe SUDEK, the autoimmune disease CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). The patient is taking multiple medications 💊 and is unable to walk and her ankle is almost fused in the joint capsule. We put her in a noninvasive neural brain stimulator with precise ankle manipulation. After a week, the patient’s pain improves by 80% and she can walk without canes!



severe case of dizziness after inflammation of the vestibular nerve

Severe case with chronic daily dizziness, dizziness due to an acoustic neuroma/vestibular neuritis in the left ear/wearing a hearing aid. She tried all treatments from ENT specialists, neurologists and homeopaths, without success. This affected her daily function SF12, she could not leave the house due to the constant dizziness (occuluscephalus reflex), could not drive a car or carry out daily activities. This caused stress, anxiety and helplessness. She suffered for more than 4-5 years before she visited the SOZO Brain Center! Since the second month she has now been symptom-free for more than 6 months!





If you as a patient are interested in this type of treatment, we have a list of trained doctors here  or right in Cyprus with Petros Team: sozobraincenter.com


If you as a DOCTOR want to learn this form of treatment: you can register for a training course here. There is a course in Vienna in December where there are still places available.


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