HomeresearchcancerInterview with Dr Retzek in 2014 regarding tumor aftercare

Interview with Dr Retzek in 2014 regarding tumor aftercare


BOOK “The Second Chance” by Dr Thomas Hartl was then brought onto the market under the title “Live!” I was interviewed about it and told a long, extensive text with many “simple” tips for tumor treatment and aftercare.


Chapter – Article by Dr Retzek

I wrote this article around 2012, the book then came onto the market around 2015. I stumbled across it again by chance and was actually quite impressed by it, the author “Dr Thomas Hartl” and the interviewee “Dr Retzek” said some pretty smart things here that are still valid!

I have put the part of the author “Dr. Thomas Hartl” in italics, then my text in normal font (because it is much longer and this is easier to read). Thomas’ questions are headings and it is clear from the context that they are from him.


Health aftercare

Once the time of acute therapy is over, the time of a new beginning begins. In terms of health, this time of medical aftercare also offers an opportunity for personal prevention against recurrence. There are various measures that can be taken to help minimise the risk of a recurrence. However, many patients know nothing or very little about this. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, after acute treatment has been completed, there is the option of rehabilitation in which you can learn how to improve your lifestyle, but many patients are not yet aware of this option. Secondly, when oncologists ask many patients what they can do to reduce the risk of a recurrence, they give answers such as: “Nothing”, or “Just carry on living as before”, or “Make your life a good one”. Patients have told me this fact time and again. Of course, there are also many committed oncologists who do give their patients health-promoting recommendations, but unfortunately not all of them. The result of a lack of information is that some patients carry on living as before, while others seek out information on their own. There are many sources: the Internet, books, alternative health providers and every now and then you can find doctors who are very committed to this area.


about Dr. Helmut Retzek

In the course of researching this book, I asked a few doctors whether they would like to contribute to this book and whether they knew any former patients who might want to share their experiences with the readers. The doctor who arranged for me to interview over a dozen of his patients within a short period of time is general practitioner Dr. Helmut Retzek from Vöcklabruck. A committed advocate of his profession, the kind of doctor you could wish for as a patient. He has never been satisfied with the school knowledge he learned at university and is constantly expanding his studies. I asked him to share his knowledge and experience of tumor aftercare with the readers of the book. The following pages offer suggestions on how to keep your body healthy and reduce the risk of recurrence. They are intended for those people who are looking to further optimize their health behavior.

Following Dr. Retzek’s comments, there are three patient reports.


Dr. Retzek, how did you acquire your medical knowledge regarding tumor prevention?

As a biochemist, I worked for seven years in basic research at universities in Austria and Canada. During my medical studies, I learned numerous complementary healing methods, including homeopathy training with Dr. Spinedi in the homeopathic cancer clinic in Orselina in Switzerland. Since 1997, I have been working in my own practice for complementary healing methods, primarily with chronically ill patients. In order to understand more about this, I have now completed over 200 additional training courses.

there are now – in 2024 – 300 further training courses.

An amalgam poisoning that no one recognized weakened me from 2002 to 2006. As a result, this broadened my perspective to include the toxicological aspects of diseases that are becoming increasingly important today.

This brings an integrated view of diseases and health.

MyAccess is not just conventional medical, not just holistic or alternative medicine or psychotherapy or homeopathy, but all of the above.

So far I have had the opportunity to get to know almost 10,000 patients, including 800 cancer patients, and to accompany them at least for a time, some of whom we were able to support quite well.

By August 2024 there will be 17,000 patients on file and 1,700 cancer patients

We doctors who work in “biologically integrative medicine” actually almost always experience a significant improvement in the well-being of our patients.


Is there effective cancer aftercare and thus prevention of recurrence?

Of course there is. In addition to the numerous books on the market, one could probably cite several thousand scientific studies; I do that on my homepage. Anyone who ignores or denies the possibility of sensible aftercare is thereby demonstrating that they have not seriously considered this issue.


Is cancer prevention or aftercare difficult, time-consuming, expensive?

Not at all! With 20 percent of the effort, you can achieve 80 percent of the result. There are actually only a few points that need to be taken into account in order to be able to carry out both prevention and aftercare fairly effectively and efficiently. I gratefully quote the words of my mentor, Dr. Thomas Rau from the St. Gallen Paracelsus Clinic: “It’s actually almost embarrassing how simple biological medicine is.”


Is this also scientifically backed?

We holistic therapists do not engage in expensive “placebo rip-offs” or “superstitions”. In fact, every measure we take can be scientifically explained.

If you search in Pubmed, the database of all serious scientific publications on the subject of cancer, you will find

  • 2600 studies for curcumin,
  • 2300 studies on vitamin E,
  • 2000 for fish oil,
  • 3700 for vitamin C,
  • 8000 for vitamin D,
  • 400 studies for mistletoe,
  • 14 studies on LaPacho,
  • 16 studies on dandelion,
  • approx. 13,000 studies on plant flavonoids,
  • 250 studies on homeopathy and much more.

now – by 2024 the number of studies will probably have multiplied

Some of these studies are almost overwhelming in their significance, for example on vitamin D, deacidification, flavonoids, etc. All of this is pure science, to which I have access because of my many years of involvement in international research.

today everyone has access to Pubmed and Google Scholar

As a doctor, however, I can say: we practitioners do not learn anything about alternatives to conventional medicine in medical journals or at standard medical conferences, which is why many colleagues do not “believe in it”.

And why is that?

Because training and further education are costly and exclusively funded by companies. There are no patents on nutritional advice, natural substances and behavioral measures, etc., and marketing measures for these cannot be financed by companies. In addition, we doctors, in our day-to-day stress, have neither the time nor the training to inform ourselves objectively and independently of companies.

If an oncologist talks a patient out of additional measures in addition to the usual conventional medical treatment or even forbids them, this does not document that these are useless or even harmful, but only that he is unaware of them.

The following is a list of recommendations from Dr. Retzek for those readers who are looking to improve their healthy lifestyle. Due to space constraints, these explanations can only be presented in a very abbreviated form; interested readers can find detailed information on these topics on the website http://www.homeopathy.at.


Recommendations from Dr. Retzek

When a doctor preaches “keep doing what you’re doing”, he is ignoring the message of the disease!

I recommend that my patients take care of their health for the rest of their lives. This is vital, especially in the follow-up care.

The following points (except for dental restoration) are inexpensive to carry out. The order is not arbitrary, but sorted by importance. The more points you implement, the better the prevention.

  1. Faith, hope, optimism, future orientation
  2. Toxins and heavy metals
  3. Repair teeth
  4. Deacidification
  5. Healthy intestines and a balanced, micronutrient-rich, wholesome, natural diet, avoiding allergy- and inflammation-promoting ingredients.
  6. Add micronutrients in a targeted manner
  7. Exercise, light physical exertion g


In addition to these general points, many different special forms of therapy are available. Interested readers can find out more about them on my homepage. These include

– Untargeted general immune stimulation through e.g.: certain medicinal plants or food additives, mistletoe therapy, hyperthermia, spa baths

Targeted immune stimulation or immune modification through e.g. antibody therapy, dendritic cell therapy, metronomic chemotherapy.

Targeted anti-cancermetabolic modification such as ketogenic diet, DCA, DHEA

Highly specific anti-cancer strategies such as insulin-potentiated chemo, metronomic chemo, local hyperthermia with chemo, galvano- or electro-cancer therapy, nano-knife, intratumoral ozone.



  1. Faith, hope, optimism, future orientation

The well-being factor is very important in cancer aftercare. Endorphins slow the growth of all cancer cells tested to date by 40 percent. Endorphins are the body’s own reward substances, sometimes referred to as the “happiness hormone”. Anything that increases endorphins is optimal cancer therapy and cancer aftercare.

Endorphins are the key between mind and cancer. Not just cancer, by the way. Even immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis are now considered endorphin deficiency diseases by us “modern scientific complementary medicine practitioners”. Well, many “complementary methods” ultimately lead to an increase in endorphins and thus to the explanation for their cancer-prophylactic effect.

One of the main effects of mistletoe therapy is the release of endorphins: this is why the mood and optimism immediately increase, the pain level decreases and the immune response is improved by the mistletoe. Another effect of mistletoe therapy is the stimulation of immune cells, which can easily be seen in a blood test under a dark field microscope and can be proven in immune tests.

Dr. Bihari, a doctor in New York, was the first therapist to use “artificial endorphins” for MS and cancer in the 1980s and achieved more than surprising success. Dr. Bihari reports that in 70 percent of his cancer patients the progression of the disease was drastically slowed down by the artificially administered endorphins, and in 30 percent of his patients the disease was even reportedly slowly regressed after one to two years.

–> see the Youtube interview with Dr. Biohari on my website


Prof. Schwartz from Paris published a study in February 2014, in which he treated nine “palliative patients who had exhausted all other treatment options” with artificial endorphins. Only two of them died, but the tumor disease stopped growing in the others, and two of these patients even had their tumors shrink.

Many of the “spontaneous remissions” of cancer can therefore be explained conclusively and scientifically correctly by improving the endorphin status.

I repeat again: The clear influence of endorphins on cancer has been proven!

This also shows the importance of optimistic aftercare and follow-up, both in hospital and at home!

I now routinely give my patients artificial endorphins “LDN” and constantly advise patients on strategies to optimize their endorphins.

Of course, negative feelings are also justified, they are allowed, they are part of being human. But the general approach is important: it is important to have strategies and resources that allow us to look forward optimistically again.


In order to produce as many endorphins as possible, you “just have to” do what optimizes your own mood and well-being!


Healing breathing

In fact, this can be demonstrated and practiced very easily using a simple biofeedback method, the heart rate variability measurement. In fact, you don’t need any biofeedback aids, because all you need to do to switch the stress in the body into a healing state is to optimize your breathing rhythm. This healing breathing consists of 6 breaths per minute. Three seconds Breathe in deeply for n, hold for two seconds, breathe out deeply for three seconds, hold for two seconds, one breath lasts 10 seconds:

– (breathe in very deeply) 1-2-3

– (hold) 4-5

– (breathe out very deeply) 1-2-3

– (hold) 4-5

Through this deep in/out breathing, the heartbeat has to speed up and slow down again because different blood flow is “breathed into the chest”. This automatically causes the autonomic nervous system to slip into the healing-optimized “congruence state”. Perform this healing breathing until the heart is “comfortably warm”. Once you have practiced this a few times, you will almost automatically slip into this light, relaxed, optimally healing-promoting state. I always do this when driving or on the toilet, for example.


Of course, all of this has been scientifically researched: 6,000 studies on the HIF factor (this factor regulates the supply of oxygen to the cell), 1,800 studies on cancer and endorphins.

Simple and inexpensive, incredibly effective and scientifically backed. What speaks against it?



  1. Toxins and heavy metals

Toxins can trigger cancer and also block therapies. I recommend that my patients take this issue really seriously in order to age healthily. Fortunately, there are very simple, inexpensive and promising therapies and behavioral measures.


Although thousands of studies prove the clear connection between toxins and cancer, this fact is largely ignored in therapies as a treatment strategy.

I routinely carry out heavy metal measurements on my patients. Heavy metals (such as amalgam) and the light metal aluminium are direct carcinogens, but above all enzyme poisons that affect many mechanisms in the body. Depending on the main point of attack and genetic predisposition, kidney function, liver detoxification, intestinal function, the immune system, the brain/nerves are impaired, which can interfere with successful and sustainable cancer treatment.


Organic toxins: almost every food is wrapped in plastic, including drinks. I generally recommend that patients avoid plastic-packaged food during follow-up care.


I realize that I am creating uncertainty with such descriptions, but it is difficult to sugarcoat the facts when it comes to bringing about long-lasting, successful lifestyle changes.

In 2024 we will also have cell phone towers and many sources of radiation in the home – and the excessive “solar radiation management” where toxic nano dust is released from airplanes so that we don’t die because the German cows fart all over our atmosphere.

Since most of MY “turbo cancer” patients are unvaccinated, it unfortunately cannot be the gene therapy that is the trigger, but the loss of NK3 cells in many patients is impressive and is responsible for the global immune deficiency against zoster viruses, herpes viruses and cancer!


Darkfield blood test

Can you measure the internal environment? Of course! In addition to blood, urine and hair tests, there is a very simple and incredibly cheap test: darkfield blood. A drop of “living” blood from the finger examined under a microscope shows everyone the “internal environment”. Tissue acidification, antioxidant deficiency, excessive inflammatory reactions and also indications of heavy metals and the activity of the immune system.

There are chemical detoxification agents that holistic doctors administer as an infusion. If we administer such an infusion, together with alkaline powder and vitamin C and coenzymes, the internal environment is immediately improved, which we can see very clearly in the dark field test that is then carried out repeatedly. If the blood was previously “a battlefield”, it often looks “almost perfect” afterwards. I recommend detoxifying the body, for example after every chemotherapy.


What can I do myself now?

One of the most important detoxification strategies is to buy food consciously, regionally and seasonally. The organic farmer she trusts supplies her with large quantities of meat, fruit and vegetables, which can also be frozen. I only buy drinks in glass bottles, olives in jars, etc.

The clearest test of whether something is organic is the spoilage test: our organic apples, bananas, lemons, vegetables, etc. spoil in hours or days, potatoes sprout immediately, while conventional fruit and vegetables shrink to the size of a nut over the course of a year without spoiling at all.


How can I detox myself?

The largest detoxification organ is the intestine. With finely chopped cellulose you can feed the bacteria and make them sore. tible carrier substances for detoxification: everyone can do this themselves by consuming SMOOTHIES.

TIP: I throw an apple, two carrots, half a banana and half an organic orange (including the flavonoid-rich peel) into the blender, add a piece of ginger for the intestines, some nuts, some lecithin and a tablespoon of coconut oil for the brain, some linseed oil for inflammation/cancer, a glass of water for the liquid and mix this into a fine paste and in 40 seconds a perfect snack is ready. This boosts energy much more than any coffee and “treats the intestines” and detoxifies fantastically with the help of the fine cellulose fibers.

A second smoothie recipe: half an organic lemon including the peel, as well as seasonal fruit and vegetables, with two tablespoons of linseed oil and some lecithin.

My “lemon peel smoothies” have become legendary among my colleagues, as patient feedback confirms the more than 1,000 studies that show that citrus flavonoids are an effective anti-cancer agent! But the influence of plants goes much further than we ever imagined: the miniRNA of plants actually controls our metabolism and our immune system. We humans actually need the genetic information of plants to stay healthy. This is probably a relic from the time when our ancestors stuffed themselves with 4-6 kilos of greens every day, just like monkeys do today.


Furthermore: a simple and effective detoxification agent is zeolite, a finely ground porous rock that specifically binds ammonia, metals and organically toxic substances. I take a teaspoon of a zeolite preparation in water 2 to 3 times a week. I recommend zeolite to all my aftercare patients for detoxification.

I also recommend a liver-kidney tea to support the excretory organs.

Infrared saunas are a good way to mobilize organic toxins, as is mild exercise, which is one of the standard strategies in relapse prevention for many reasons.


  1. Repairing teeth

Teeth cannot be overestimated as a trigger for disease! On the one hand, they often carry toxins via the released mercury vapor, 80 percent of which is swallowed (see a video on my homepage, subpage amalgam), on the other hand, root-treated teeth are sources of permanent exposure to carcinogenic cytokines (messenger substances) and are always contaminated with propionibacteria that are clearly associated with cancer.

The “meridian connection” of the teeth is very exciting. Each tooth is assigned to one or more body zones. The tooth that is assigned to the zone of the disease is practically always the one that is diseased (focal, root canal treatment, large filling). A study by Dr. Wolfgang Köstler (Vienna) between breast cancer and breast teeth showed a 100 percent match, a study by the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland showed a 97 percent match.

Dr. Thomas Rau, chief physician of the Paracelsus Clinic, tells us again and again: If he had to choose one of the many forms of therapy in the clinic, he would undoubtedly choose the dentist. This has the greatest influence on overall health. In the Paracelsus Clinic, these teeth are now correctly removed in one session; the bone is de-energized and replaced with metal-free ceramic or fiberglass implants.

In summary: teeth and dental foci are extremely important. In the case of cancer, I always recommend that my patients have all amalgam fillings professionally removed, including chemical removal of the poison, and that all root-treated teeth be removed and replaced with an implant.

Dr. Rau and Prof. Ionescu (Neukirchen Special Clinic) have both determined that cancer tissue contains up to 30,000 times more heavy metals than the surrounding healthy tissue! Therefore, in the Paracelsusl Clinic, teeth and root canal treatments must be repaired without discussion and I have adopted this view after numerous experiences with patients who are blocked from treatment.

The big problem, however, is finding a dentist who can carry out the repair and, above all, the removal of the poison in a professional and flawless manner. And only a dentist with specific training can do this correctly. Under no circumstances should you have your teeth cleaned by an incompetent dentist, as in this case there is a risk that the heavy metal will enter the body and cause serious damage. Unfortunately, dentists are not trained to do this, they trivialize the problem due to ignorance and, above all, the insurance company only pays for amalgam.

(Note: You can find more information on this topic on the Homepage http://www.ganzemedizin.at. At the end of the book, under Contacts, some dentists are listed who have received training in this area.)


  1. Deacidification

For a lecture in 2013, I read almost 1000 of the 60,000 studies on the search terms cancer and acid. The conclusions of the studies were clear: local tissue with poor blood circulation becomes overacidified by switching from combustion to lactic acid fermentation metabolism, and tumors develop there!

Therefore, an absolutely basic strategy for any tumor treatment and aftercare is proper deacidification. This is achieved through a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and few meat products and by drastically reducing sugar. (see also point 5 below)

In the case of overacidification, I also recommend taking alkaline powder. Anyone can easily determine for themselves whether they are over-acidified or not; there are pH test strips in every pharmacy.


  1. Healthy intestines and a balanced, micronutrient-rich, wholesome, natural diet that avoids allergy- and inflammation-promoting ingredients


Intestinal immune system

The Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland is probably the world’s most respected institution for biological medicine. Dr. Thomas Rau, the head of the clinic, ensures its success by demanding that his patients strictly adhere to the diet plan. Dr. Rau repeatedly emphasizes: If you bring me just one cancer patient who has normal intestinal bacteria, they get a week of therapy free.” Not an inconsiderable amount! After a thousand measurements, Dr. Rau stopped writing because EVERY cancer patient examined had an incorrect intestinal bacteria profile.

Reduced acidification flora (lactobacilli, bifidus) leads to insufficient liver detoxification, reduced Bacteroides weakens the immune system. Coccidia and Klebsiella are the most common problem germs, as well as Candida, which produce toxic derivatives with corresponding immune and liver weakening and inflammation.

The small intestine is our number 1 immune organ, where the T lymphocytes are formed in adults, where our immune cells train on our intestinal flora. If this is suboptimally structured, this corresponds to a lack of training of the immune cells.

This trend towards intestinal weakness is reinforced by the complete change in the composition of food in recent decades, as well as by completely changed eating habits.

After chemo or antibiotic therapy, the flora is broken. An intestinal reconstruction is highly recommended. The basis is always the nourishment of the intestinal flora through chopped cellulose (smoothies) and a correct diet. For a short time, we give high doses of healthy germs as “seeds”, but the basis is a low-allergen diet. This is actually very simple and cheap and a fantastic immunotherapy, as we can check in dark field blood.


Sugar and acid

Many tumor patients are familiar with the so-calledPET examination: a radioactive substance is injected which is found almost exclusively in the tumor a few hours later. This makes it possible to make the extent of the cancer and metastases visible. What most people do not know is that this radioactive substance is simple sugar, that this sugar is found almost exclusively in the tumor, that this sugar feeds and nourishes the tumor. In the tumor, the left-handed lactic acid is fermented to generate energy from the sugar. This lactic acid is released into the tumor tissue and leads to the “overacidification” of the tumor tissue by a few tenths of a pH, as mentioned above. This is also called “Warburg metabolism” because Prof. Otto Warburg had already researched this reduced tumor metabolism in 1931 and was awarded the Nobel Prize for it.

These sugar-fermenting cancer cells develop chemo and radiation resistance in the overacidified tissue and are the source of relapses.


“Eat what you like,” some patients hear from their doctors. Advice that couldn’t be more wrong!

If I eat what I want, I will shovel large amounts of carbohydrates into myself, which are actually frozen sugar. The tumor will rejoice, the immune cells will suffocate in the excessive acid and the treatment will be less successful. Sugar should be avoided as much as possible.

I therefore recommend that every patient avoid sugar and hidden sugar in ready-made products as much as possible during follow-up care. Easily digestible carbohydrates such as white bread should also be avoided.

TIP: Instead of conventional sugar, I recommend birch sugar (xylitol ). Looks like sugar, tastes just like sugar, but cancer cannot process it. You can also use it to make the most delicious chocolate yourself. Sugar can also be replaced with stevia.


Examples from the field of research and nutrition

Dr. Johannes Coy has done a lot of research into cancer nutrition. His main work is probably the development of a simple blood test for cancer (Apo10) and a blood test for “active Warburg metabolism”. We carry out these tests in practice and they are not expensive.

In order not to let his research results fall into oblivion in the ivory tower, Dr. Coy has written books (Johannes Coy: The new anti-cancer diet) and developed some nutritional products. Coy’s diet based on plant proteins and fats is covered by health insurance in Germany, but unfortunately not here in Austria. Coy’s keto drink as the only food during the chemo days improves the response to the disease several times over! Several studies are underway with university hospitals in Germany because this diet during chemo is the first to show real long-term success in pancreatic cancer.


Professor Christopher Gerner is a cancer researcher at the University of Vienna and a friend from earlier research days, the most innovative mind I have ever met in research. At a conference in Merano, he stopped me and said:

“I really have to tell you something! If I hadn’t carried out these experiments myself, I wouldn’t believe these results: We analyzed the blood of cancer patients and healthy people using 2D electrophoresis, which allows us to identify and quantify up to 3000 protein components, and the blood really is very different between sick and healthy people. We then gave the cancer patients 300g of vegetables to eat: broccoli, cabbage, sauerkraut, Brussels sprouts, etc. After two weeks, the blood of a cancer patient could no longer be distinguished from that of a healthy person. The results were so striking that I thought the blood samples had been mixed up and I checked everything three times. I simply couldn’t imagine such a rapid and drastic improvement! The Brussels sprouts worked best, then the cabbage, the sauerkraut, and red cabbage, even cooked.”

The cancer researcher Prof. Richard Beliveau from Montreal has published 280 studies on this topic. Ignored by the experts for many years, he finally addressed those affected directly with his fantastic book: “Cancer cells don’t like raspberries”.


Taking food intolerances seriously

Dr. med. Ralf Kirkam is the head of the special laboratory Ganzimmun in Munich, one of the largest laboratories in Europe. He has tens of thousands of measurement results for food intolerance (IgG4 measurement).

Dr. Kirkam says that he can now identify significant intolerances in 60% of all patient samples sent in (personal communication). This test, which is often ignored by allergists but whose relevance is clearly confirmed in everyday practice, means that an immunological reaction occurs when these foods are consumed. In general, one can say that if you get tired after eating, there is an immunological, inflammatory reaction against one of the food components. Incidentally, a raw food portion of over 50% in the food can completely prevent this.

The tests at the Paracelsus Clinic are identical. If the patient is ill, the intolerance to certain food ingredients increases to 80 percent; if the patient even has cancer, we find IgG4 reactivity in the blood against food in more than 90 percent of cases.


Be careful with cow’s milk and wheat

The main intolerances today are against cow’s milk – 80 percent of cancer patients are intolerant to it, and wheat gluten and gliadin – 40 percent of cancer patients are intolerant to it. This identifies the two essential food components that must be strictly avoided in the acute phase of treatment for successful biological cancer therapy.

I do not recommend that my cancer patients get tested for tolerance to cow’s milk and wheat, but simply avoid them as much as possible. There are enough alternatives such as sheep’s and goat’s cheese or rye that you can switch to.


The mess with milk

Cow’s milk today has three times more beta-lactoglobulin – a poorly digestible protein that only occurs in cow’s milk, not in sheep or goat’s milk – than it did 30 years ago. Modern hybrid-bred cows now produce up to 60 liters of milk a day.

30 years ago, the 15-liter cows were stars at every agricultural fair. Instead of 30 years, the cow now lives barely 5 years as a “factory worker”, spends her life in 2 m², sees no sun and gets no grass, but Argentinian soy meal.

The milk protein content has increased significantly due to breeding. The fatty acid composition of milk has shifted drastically towards the cancer-promoting Omega-6 side, the cancer-inhibiting Omega-3 content has disappeared, as has vitamin D.

(See numerous film reports, linked on my organic food page – subpage on my homepage).

Thanks to advertising, however, the consumption of dairy products has tripled in the last 30 years, which means a ninefold increase in the amount of beta-lactoglobulin in the diet.

Dr. In the largest ever “China Study”, T. Colin Campbell was able to show in detail that the proportion of milk protein in the diet in all the countries he examined as WHO nutrition chief is directly proportional to the incidence of cancer. He was also able to confirm this clearly in animal experiments. These epidemiological study data are unequivocal. Dr. Campbell is a strict advocate of a vegetarian diet.


Prof. Dr. Jane Plant had a recurrence of breast cancer and had exhausted all treatment options. As a scientist, she spent a lot of time in China and knew that breast cancer was unknown in rural areas. She found the explanation in cow’s milk and cites numerous studies in her touching book Jane Plant: Life in Your Hands. She recovered through a strict vegan diet.

Many of us simply cannot tolerate cow’s milk and cow’s milk products. Butter is also not recommended, as undeclared milk powder is allowed to be added to butter in the EU, but no milk powder may be added to Swiss butter.

However, you can use sheep’s or goat’s milk and corresponding products.

I can especially recommend Roquefort, this cheese – or rather its noble mold – is a treat for the entire intestinal area and stimulates the immune system.

The fact that we shovel such quantities of dairy products into our bodies today is a clear result of a marketing strategy against the lakes of milk. Only we have epidemic osteoporosis in 60-year-olds, not the milk-free Japanese!


The wheat belly

Dr. William Davis is a cardiologist in the USA. Despite “leading the best and most conscious lifestyle,” he felt old and ill. His book “The Wheat Belly” is enlightening: wheat today has nothing to do with the grain of our forefathers. Instead of 11, it has 68 chromosomes, is optimized on many levels in terms of yield and processability, and has never been tested for tolerance, which has decreased significantly.

Over 100 diseases can be traced back to hidden gluten and gliadin intolerances.

During cancer treatment, wheat should be completely eliminated from the diet. Anyone who gets tired of rye bread or oats should also avoid them.

There are plenty of wonderful, completely gluten-free sources of carbohydrates such as potatoes, corn, buckwheat, millet, rice, quinoa (super healthy), pulses such as beans, lentils, chickpeas and amaranth.

Well, that was a lot of information, but basically a healthy diet in the aftercare is very simple:

Restrain yourself with cow’s milk and wheat. On the other hand, you can never eat enough organic vegetables. Eat wholesome food, regional and organic. Prefer plant-based protein (i.e. less meat products, but instead lentils, beans and peas, “the meat of the poor but healthy man”) and a mixed diet, the carbohydrate content of which is mainly covered by vegetables, at least 300g per day: everything that is green is healthy.


  1. Targeted supply of micronutrients

We eat a lot of ready-made products today, many cooked or prepared. And even fresh food today contains far fewer “vital substances” than in previous years. Fruit and vegetables contain fewer and fewer vitamins and trace elements. If there is an increased need, appropriate micronutrients should be targeted (substitution). This is done in the form of capsules, effervescents, etc. The most important are vitamin C and D, possibly also selenium and magnesium.

Important information about vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin: a study published in 2009 of 67,000 women in France who received 7000 IU of vitamin D daily for ten years showed a halving of the cancer rate (IU is an international unit of measurement). The overall mortality rate (regardless of the cause) drops drastically when vitamin D is increased; there is hardly a system in which vitamin D does not have a supportive, regenerative effect. In Austria, 400 IU /d is considered sufficient!


Tip: We give each patient around 1g of vitamin C per day during follow-up care, optimize the vitamin D level to at least 50 ng/ml in the blood, give 200µg of sodium selenite and possibly a multivitamin preparation, magnesium and omega 3.

Even more important to us, however, is a nutrient-dense diet: organic, whole grain, whole foods and above all smoothies. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to do without supplements these days because the food is so “empty”. In the next few years, you will experience true miracles with magnesium, I am currently researching this. I also recommend seasoning your food with turmeric every day.

Herbal teas or immune-activating teas such as LaPacho can be used as a treatment again and again. This is simply part of a cancer-preventing lifestyle.


Dr. Köstler has been a holistic cancer doctor for 30 years. He repeatedly emphasizes that he has not experienced a single relapse in patients who have eaten “Budwig”: 2 tablespoons of linseed oil per day.

Only Dr. Budwig had unpasteurized curds from unbred pasture-fed cows for her “Budwig diet”. Unfortunately, the curds today fall under the cow’s milk restriction rule, which is why the linseed oil is in the smoothie today.

And once again my request: Include smoothies in your daily diet.

My tip: A smoothie with half an organic lemon including the peel, as well as seasonal fruit and vegetables, with two tablespoons of linseed oil and a little lecithin is our perfect breakfast! If you have problems with your memory, coconut oil is the most important brain food and belongs in the smoothie.


  1. Exercise, light physical exertion

Exercise and any light physical activity significantly improves the long-term prognosis, 3500 studies are devoted to this topic, the results are clear. I recommend my patients to exercise as often as possible (ideally daily), even 30 minutes of aerobic exercise not only improves the feeling, but also significantly reduces the risk of recurrence!



Dear readers: toxins, teeth, acid, intestines, exercise, nutrition and a positive mental attitude.

When you read through the information for the first time, it may be overwhelming or discouraging because of the amount of information, but in fact it is a simple measure to make the time after the initial treatment as optimal as possible.

As a reward, you get not only sustained remission, but all aspects of optimal prevention of all age-related diseases. The more of these measures you implement, the higher the probability of never having to experience a recurrence.

Many of my patients report that they have never felt so good, their strength and zest for life are optimised, and their blood tests are perfect. Their skin becomes firmer, wrinkles disappear, their brain functions better, their vitality approaches optimum and sometimes their hair gets darker again. This “biological lifestyle medicine” is actually valuable, important for everyone and, above all, scientifically backed.

Books like this are important guides, and I am very grateful to the author for this commitment. I also recommend the book “Healed! How people beat cancer” to every patient because it gives a lot of courage and hope, and that is extremely important.



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