Petros Kattou entertains us “students” with daily video testimonials from his practice. Here in Austria it is rather difficult to do testimonials because patients...
Research into homozygous genetic diseases with severe diarrhea brought to light a study in which the "phenotype" of the disease (= the symptoms) was...
John Boel, the "acupuncturist of the century" has developed several new acupuncture systems that offer previously unseen successes. Here are some testimonials.
As long as...
Dr. Petros Kattou SOZQ brain cente Zypern sends following Case
I use his whatsapp-language unchanged
"This case is the finest of all"
It proves without doubt full...
here are the instructions on how to successfully start a "colon cleanse"
Miracle weapon Bifidus
For years we have been learning at EVERY medical conference that...
Mb Buerger - blood vessel destruction
an autoimmune arteritis - also called Endarteritis obliterans, death of the toes (=necrosis) - mostly induced by prolonged smoking
Prolotherapy is a great pain therapy for ligament and joint pain. Regenerate strained ligaments and arthrosis. Actually the real name is Proliferation-Therapy, in the...