The boy linked in below was the first patient of this kind that I saw in Cyprus at the time:
16 years old, spastic paresis since birth and wheelchair-bound, now walks without a walker after about 10 months of neuromodulation (he does it himself at home), can pour himself drinks and speaks understandably and writes legibly.
But today we had our first own Cerebral Palsy patient
Thank you Yara for allowing us to share these improvements!
Yara was sent to us by our friend Dr. Adel Rayess – an osteopathic superstar in Lebanon (> 1 million followers on Insta).
Spastic tetra-paresis (paralysis) since birth after oxygen deficiency.
Wheelchair necessary as both legs are completely spastic like wood, right hand spastic and unusable, left hand works quite well, can speak well but motor skills for speaking are a bit awkward (Broka’s motor speech center is also affected), intelligence good (good grades at school), can only write very awkwardly (see below).
after 15 minutes of neuromodulation, the right hand suddenly works!!!
after about 20 minutes of neuromodulation with the simple (cheap) device, she stands up and takes her first steps herself.
Yara cries – we cry, I not only have tears but goosebumps for minutes.
yes – it is clear that this is only a brief observation because it is a case from today. But from Petro’s case and many other cases we know that we actually get good long-term results.
Writing with the “good left hand”
- Yara needed 1-2 minutes per line for the upper lines
- She wrote the lower line (in the box) in about 40 seconds and was even able to hold the writing board herself with her other (completely spastic) hand.
Similar improvement in writing in Petros’ spastic boy can be seen in the article linked below:
The 16-year-old boy was in a wheelchair, his hands and legs were uselessly spastic – he could only walk a few steps with both hands pulled up, could hardly speak.
Meanwhile – after about 10 months of neuromodulation that he does himself – he can walk short distances freely, walk fast and far with a walker, rides a 3-wheeler, talks like a waterfall, can pour himself drinks. Writing has become legible
I have not translated this Page yet to English please use the autotranslation link
Thank you Petros for bringing me such happiness with my job in my old age.
Petros sent me a case of cerebellar atrophy with videos where the cerebellum has now grown back under neuromodulation after a year in the MR, I hope I find time to publish it soon.
for doctors: in December there is a course in Vienna for doctors with Petros.
If you are a patient interested in this type of therapy: there are now around 30 doctors trained in this form of treatment, and there are a total of 6 treatment places available in the December course – you can still register.
This treatment spreads like wildfire – Petros will not have time in Europe any longer as now hi promised to train all Neurologists in Hospitals in Kasachstan and is going to USA and Australia.
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