Article of interest to colleagues
burning, constant pain
in the last 3 years we have had several patients who were in such severe pain that I was afraid they would hurt themselves. Patients moan constantly, day and night so tormented by pain that they can hardly sleep.
Burning, stabbing – 24/7 – for some also after Covid or the vaccination.
Only Gabapentin or Pregabalin are moderately helpful, no painkillers – not even morphine helps.
We wandered around for a long time before we came across ZOSTER
It took us a long time to find out that this completely unclear, terrible pain could be a HERPES ZOSTER:
The shingles virus Herpes Zoster is in all nerves and can cause “shingles”, severe localized pain where after a few days a few “blisters” appear like with chickenpox. This is called shingles.

“Zoster sine Herpete”
there is a variant called Zoster sine Herpete – translated into German as “shingles without herpes blisters” where only the pain is there, but nothing else is visible.
This variant can also spread over the whole body, although I am not sure whether CRPS is also present here (i.e. a pain processing disorder in the brain).
why so common now
Covid modulates the immune system and massively reduces the number of killer cells so that the part that is primarily responsible for intracellular infections is also affected. That is why we have seen a “pandemic” of zoster in the practices in the last few years that does not go away or keeps coming back.
Zoster becomes visible in the laboratory
In the patients described above, we found very high Zoster IgG titers (almost never IgM) of over 2500 IU in the laboratory at the University of Graz – only there do we get values that are useful to us.
In many other laboratories that we have sent to, we only get “Zoster positive” – which is absolutely useless.
My transfer text
MedUniGraz, D&F Inst. Hygiene, Neue Stiftingtalstr. 6, 8010 Graz, Tel.: 0316 385 73750 (costs 90,- with the KFL 130,-)
CMV, CMV-avid, EBV, EBNA, HHV6, HSV, HSV1/2, VZV, Borr-IB IgG/IgM, Bartonella, Babesia, Chlamyd-pneum/trach, Mycopl-pneumo, Candida-alb, Asperg., Toxoplasma
you can simply send a serum tube by post to Graz
We did not learn the concept of chronic persistent infection with permanently elevated IgG antibody values optimally during our studies, although we accept it for some diseases (e.g. HIV and syphilis – in pathology we learned the stage-like progression and the “latency phase” = stage 3 corresponds to chronic persistent infection).
This applies to many chronic viral infections: Zoster, EBV, CMV, HIV
but also to the obligate intracellular bacteria such as Lyme disease, Babesin, Bartonella, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma.
So now – 2024 – I still have feedback from highly gifted and extremely valued neurologists who believe that a pure IgG increase in Lyme disease is only an indication of a previous infection. In fact, we can show with our cases that even in peripherally serologically negative patients, a Neuroborreliose was present and especially with low positive IgG values!
And patients keep coming along who have been treated for Lyme disease with 3 weeks of doxycycline! Colleagues, that is abnormal and no longer lege artis, even if it says so in the textbooks and is still passed on by the professional societies!
Doxycycline cannot penetrate biofilm and is only bacteriostatic, not bactericidal. – it also promotes the persister forms! Doxy is great as a “companion therapy” because it works well for some co-infections.
When specific antibiotics or antiviral therapy are started, the IgG increases enormously, and then if the therapy is successful drops to 0 after about 1-2 years. If the titers remain high, this indicates a persistent infection
successful treatment of herpes zoster possible
once the trigger has been found, treatment is possible: Valacyclovir for many, many months. Improvements to the point of pain relief are possible in 2-3 months.
Valaciclovir is the best tested in our office, we compare it with Famvir or Mevir and Tenofovir but Vala is suitable in 90% of cases, we also have long-term experience with it:
We have been giving a ME/CFS patient who was bedridden for 20 years with crazy herpes titres Valaciclovir for the fourth year now with good improvement.
Microimmunotherapy 2L-ZONA and Virusreg – as well as ozone therapy, L-lysine, PEA etc. – we are happy to add if money is not a factor, but Vala is sufficient on its own and without Vala we had NO success with these patients.
an additional SSRI may be necessary
In two of these poor patients we or other doctors added an SSRI such as Escitalopram and then there was peace within a few weeks.
DD: Lyme disease
The pain from Lyme disease is often not so burning and stabbing. Of course, we also run laboratory ultrasound here.
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