Homeresearch150MHz Fielding - seemingly amazing potential

150MHz Fielding – seemingly amazing potential


40 years ago, it was discovered in a research laboratory that 150MHz is a biologically highly effective frequency. The scientists involved (11 professors from different medical fields) were extremely impressed by the implications of their research.

However, the research and therapy were blocked by “higher authorities” and the frequency range of 149.5 – 150.5 MHz was declared a military “forbidden frequency”.

The “inventor” Dieter Broers has since turned to esoteric topics, but now – after 40 years – is starting to “talk about it”.

Frequency therapy – untapped treasure

As a biochemist and doctor, I have intellectual difficulties with the many frequency devices that are on the medical market. The outrageous prices of the devices (vital field starts at 40,000) result in a “sales pressure” that I do not want – something like that has to be financed in the end.

But a statement from my “Lyme disease supervisor” – the Berlin specialist Dr. Daniel Röttger made me sit up and take notice: “it’s almost outrageous how quickly you can get rid of the viruses with frequency therapies“.

Since almost every chronically ill patient in our practice is burdened with a good amount of EBV, and also CMV, and practically all “fatigue syndrome patients” burn their energy in the “chronic viral cell stress phenomenon“, I found this comment extremely important, since Daniel, as a Lyme disease sufferer in a corresponding specialist practice, has no time for “games”:

when doctors are fully booked, the devices have to work, otherwise you automatically stop using them because you have so many patients and options available anyway; after all, you are only focused on effectiveness, not sales.

I wanted to go to Berlin last year to learn all this from Dr. Daniel Röttger, but the many lockdowns prevented this, so a whole year has passed.

This year, in any case, we will establish “frequency therapies” to “drive away viruses”!

Youtube then suggested the following video to me

this YouTube electrified me! Please listen to it! Absolutely interesting and totally credible!

Here is a summary of the discovery history and university research on the subject of 150MHz by Dieter Broers and Robert Muntendorf

This therapy was initially prevented – in the 1980s: the first doctor who successfully used this device was immediately reported by his medical association! Listen to the above video by Dieter Broers. In the USA, the frequency of 149MHz-151 MHz was even banned as a “military mind control frequency”.

'Conspiracy theories' about 'prevented therapies' experienced first hand

In the course of my 30 years as a doctor, I have often seen how “functioning therapies” have been virtually eliminated by BigPharma due to potential sales losses,

I have also been reported and reprimanded several times by the Medical Association for well-functioning non-established therapies (macular acupuncture, homeopathy, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine …) and am therefore a “convinced pharmaceutical conspiracy theorist”.

some of my own experiences

most recently, we still remember well: Ivermectin for coronavirus, an unbelievable cruelty to ban this – in Austria even the vitamin D bashing by paid journalism that only propagates an “agenda”.

The Greens in Germany now want to regulate away all vitamins, so it’s clear who’s paying for it!

Dr. Nick Gonzales from New York told us 1:1 about his experiences with nutritional therapy for cancer and how his great study results were boycotted by the NIH – Prof. Beliveau had the same experience

By the way: Nick Gonzales and his practice partner were then finally taken away by a “heart attack”, Klinghardt saw the weapon needed for this himself.

Klinghardt was banned from frequency therapy by the FBI and was given a “frequency ban” for several years. Artemisia extract as a cancer drug was banned in the USA 2 months after the Nobel Prize for it was awarded. Klinghardt has told many more exciting experiences and results in his many interviews, if I stumble across them I will link them.

Prof. Seralini with the cancer mice on genetically modified food, the attacks with viral marketing by the genetically modified food critics,

Prof. Coimbra is kept quiet and virally bad-mouthed in the blogs – despite the fact that there are incredibly good results for autoimmune diseases. He suffered for 20 years in a court case that went all the way to the Supreme Court because he had discovered how to bring brain-dead people back to life and in doing so he took on the thriving Brazilian transplant surgery industry.

Neuroborreliosis – cause of Alzheimer’s and a thousand other gruesome neurological and psychiatric diseases – is still denied in professional societies today and is only treated “acutely with the wrong antibiotic doxycycline” for 3 weeks.
Kris Newby – a documentary filmmaker who is affected herself – has researched this thoroughly in her new book “BITTEN”: banned from far “above” and regulated by professional associations worldwide. Reason: Lyme disease is a biological warfare germ that has escaped (1) (2) (3) ) –

similar to the Gulf War Syndrome in which the scientist who was also affected Garth Nicholson was not allowed to publish his research results for 15 years: Gulf War Syndrome = unintentional vaccination complication: infection with Mycoplasma fermentans, I also attended a seminar with GARTH and then had dinner with him, it was absolutely believable that this happened.

The character assassination of Professor Ralf Herwig, celebrated through several ORF reports, is still very fresh in my memory because it was only a year ago, this in any case still has legal repercussions, after which I will report on it in detail. I personally experienced first hand the incomprehensible rejection of a study by the ethics committee, which Professor Herwig carried out by retrospectively evaluating measurement results on some of my patients. I will also report on this in detail in due course.


finally a 150MHz device approved


150MHz according to Dieter Broers – (c) Fa Robert Muntendorf / Fa Ing. Peter Feucht.

finally a 150MHz device has existed for a few years now. The approval was complex and very expensive, I spent 2 hours on the phone with the developer DI Peter Feucht. Because the device oscillates in the “radio range” – the power can only be radiated 2-3 meters. A lot of approval studies had to be carried out several times because the approval conditions had changed in the meantime and then all the old studies were no longer valid (also a clever way of eliminating “small developments” from medicine).

After the above video I had to buy one straight away! After the first attempts in our practice I even bought a second device because the treatments are time-consuming and we can only treat a maximum of 5 people a day!


150MHz – great for lots of things – especially arthritis

After the first treatment an improvement of 30% says Robert Muntendorf, who personally conducted numerous approval studies at Univ. Clinics:

  • 10 treatments and the arthrosis-related complaints have disappeared by 90%, says Robert.

During the training course on the use of this device, he told us many vivid examples:

  • Dentists in particular like to use it because after root extractions, implant installation or root treatments there is hardly any pain or swelling.
  • Accidents, injuries, thrombosis in the eye, nerve injuries, even transversehnitt reacts to it (when fresh)
  • Robert went to the accident and emergency hospital 2 days after his Achilles tendon rupture without swelling and without pain, his mother was taken to the hospital with a compressed femoral neck fracture without pain. Robert told us examples from his practice for several hours, unfortunately I didn’t write it down!

How can the effects be improved further

  • Overacidification is a key factor, which is why we give everyone a glass of alkaline powder to drink when they are fielded or a procaine-base infusion on request
  • positive affirmations have a noticeably enhancing effect, especially with this device, I have had this confirmed by 3 experts. That’s why you should also do the “soul field treatment”.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies (KPU, vitamins, collagen ….) are obstacles.

This was said independently by DI Peter Feuch, the technical developer of this device, as well as Dieter Broers – the inventor of the method, as well as Robert Muntendorf, who carried out all the approval studies!


What has it achieved so far?

Okay, we only got it yesterday, but my mother was the first user. She has been suffering from polyneuropathic conditions (PNP) = nerve pain of unknown origin in the groin area for several years – has been to 100 doctors so far – many CT, MR, infiltrations, stretching, examinations etc. – significantly worse since the vaccination, nothing helps except opioids and Gabapentin – she doesn’t want to take them because otherwise she’ll be numb all day.

She also has a permanent corneal edema after cataract surgery, it just won’t get better, she’s about to have a corneal transplant.

We treated both the PNP pain and the eye with 150MHz: a large cold sore came as a reaction and the symptoms have noticeably improved —> an excretory reaction? Perhaps the PNP is “shingles” that hasn’t gone away?

In any case, 20% better after the first application – that’s something! We’ll keep at it!

Update Jan 25

Stabilizing effects in prostate cancer, the PSA drops by about 20% for about 6-12 months, then the effect wears off again and the PSA slowly starts to rise.

My staff takes the device home with them over the weekends or holidays – so it must be effective, especially for pain, injuries, post-op, etc.



The “soul field” must have supernatural effects

Youtubes from “psycho people” are always terrible for me because they are long-winded, lacking in facts and are primarily geared towards “feeling good”, at least for me as a technician with a time problem.

Nevertheless, the following statements by Dipl.Psychotherapeuin Astrid Nafzger are extraordinary and unheard of! She reports that “highly respected men in top positions” have redesigned their entire life direction after a “soul field” within a week.

In the next few months, we will “experience” soul fielding as a team in the ordination and learn to practice it accordingly.


Here is a comment that came in, so impressive that I want to put it on the page

Comment from KK on March 29, 22

From my own experience, I can report that the fielding really works. I went to a therapist out of curiosity and also because of… the topic of “activating the pineal gland”. After about 15 minutes of the first field treatment, an ancient blockage in the ISG was released and I was able to walk properly again for the first time in 10 years, and that hasn’t gone away either.

On a mental level, things have also been released, I’ve had several transcendental experiences, my intuition has improved significantly. I’ve been there 5 times in a period of about 1 year and it’s completely different every time.

In terms of effects, I also had better blood circulation and a feeling of intensive cleansing on all levels. I can only recommend using the device!



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